CBD is unique, each person is different and has a specific serving based on their injuries, ailments and potential degree of Endocannabinoid System (ECS) deficiency. Some people may try to serve based on weight. That may be adequate for the analgesic effect of CBD but nobody can determine how endocannabinoid deficient they may be by simply stepping on a scale.

Select Your Desired Strength in the SERVING MATRIX and take 3xDay for 10 – 14 days then Ramp-down*
50 mg Serving Equivalents
Ramp-down*- After taking CBD for 10 – 14 days building up to the saturation point of your Endocannabinoid System (ECS), gently ramp-down the amount to determine your daily serving by systematically taking less and using the serving that maintains your desired therapeutic effect.
If you feel your symptoms return, you’ve ramped-down too far. Increase your serving slightly until you once again achieve your therapeutic effect.
That’s how you find your daily serving and you can also increase on particularly challenging days.
Most people only need a fraction of their beginning serving after the ramp-down.
If CBD hasn’t worked for you in the past, it was likely inferior CBD or incorrectly dosed.
Consult a Doctor Before Use.